
Events 2025Venue & Time
Tuesday 1 April7pm – 9pm Large Meeting Room, Gillingham Golf Club, ME7 2APSpeaker: Sophie Day, Kent Police, Fraud Prevention ‘Staying Safe Online’
Tuesday 3 June7pm – 9pm Large Meeting Room, Gillingham Golf Club, ME7 2APSpeaker: TBA
Saturday 19 JulyGarden Party at Paul and Val Rainer’sSee poster
Tuesday 2 September7pm – 9pm Large Meeting Room, Gillingham Golf Club, ME7 2APAGM. Speaker: TBA
Saturday 6 SeptemberKentish Lady Boat TripContact John Deadman if you’d like to come
Tuesday 4 November7pm – 9pm Large Meeting Room, Gillingham Golf Club, ME7 2APSpeaker: from Silvertime Legal. Talk on ‘Tax Care and the New Guy’
Tuesday 2 December7pm – 10pm Large Meeting Room, Gillingham Golf Club, ME7 2APChristmas Social – Contact John Deadman if you’d like to come
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